How Music Promotes Competition, Camaraderie and Spirit

Posted by Kambala

Music can play a key role in a girl’s development. Research tells us that learning to play an instrument is beneficial for a child as it provides a lifelong means of enjoyment and self-expression. Other studies also suggest that musical experiences from a young age have a positive effect on a child’s social skills, numeracy skills, as well as their ability to maintain attention.

When it comes to raising girls, music helps your daughter to be well-rounded by boosting her academics, increasing her self-confidence and providing opportunities to develop a sisterhood of friends. Here are some ways the study of music helps to promote competition, camaraderie and spirit.

Music helps to foster friendships

Music does wonders for a girl’s wellbeing. As it involves being in contact and coordinating with others, music encourages girls to develop positive friendships; Research highlights the connection between music and social bonding. In an attempt to sync with others musically, whether through harmonising or keeping the same rhythm, a girl can develop positive feelings towards those she synchronises with – even if that person isn’t even in the same room.

Working with people in this manner also releases endorphins in the brain, which helps to explain why we feel positively when making music with others. This cooperation builds trust between girls and increases their chance of future cooperation.

Music helps to develop a competitive mindset

Society has a tendency to praise people for being ‘talented’ – especially musicians. While it may be true that what they are doing seems effortless, the fact is the mastery of an instrument is the result of much effort and training.

Bill Lucas from Victoria University encourages parents to give effective feedback and inspire their children to develop a growth mindset, where children believe their success can increase through hard work and value learning over performance. Music benefits girls because it offers a way to develop a healthy competitive mindset, through which your daughter can set goals and strive to achieve them.

As parents, celebrate your daughter’s efforts when she is learning an instrument or preparing for a recital. In doing this, you are teaching her to be resilient in the midst of challenges, to commit to the process and be determined to achieve her goals.

Music helps to cultivate a positive spirit

Another benefit of music is that it can strengthen a girl’s spirit, especially when it comes to preparing for a performance. Something within a girl shifts when she knows that she will be performing in a recital or a concert. A study on the preparation of concert soloists highlights the preparation involved in perfecting a performance – from practising individual sections, memorisation, polishing the performance, re-learning, increasing the tempo and then maintaining the standard. When it comes to a public performance, there is a sense of urgency and nervousness, and as a result, she begins to practice even more to ensure that she is giving her best. After the performance is completed and she bows to a cheering audience, she can enjoy the rewards of her effort.

Musical performance helps students become more confident and less troubled by performance anxiety. A girl develops a great sense of pride because she has worked hard, faced her fears, and as a result, feels accomplished, fearless and her self-esteem is boosted like never before.

Music provides a fun and effective way for a girl to grow intellectually, socially and emotionally, ultimately helping your daughter to become a whole girl.

Every year, Kambala hosts its Festival of Music at the Sydney Opera House. For one night, every girl from Year 3 to Year 12 comes together to share their music making with family and friends. The Festival of Music is a joyous celebration of music, of artistic endeavour and, above all, of Kambala, where music is an essential part of the School’s identity.

Kambala inspires learning and empowers young women of integrity. To learn more about Kambala’s focus on the whole girl, download our Prospectus.
